Before I begin, it is imperative that you narrate this in your mind as either:
A: David Attenborough
B: Morgan Freeman
C: Mr. Darcy
or D: William Shatner (or Patrick Stewart)
As we write this groundbreaking, ribbon cutting, trailblazing first post, the most important thing on my mind is the cat not ruining my computer with his overzealous shenanigans. However, in less than 4 days Merrie and I will depart from all of what we consider familiar. While we have dreamed of this for over a year or two, the stark reality is that we have no idea what to expect. We have read just enough literature to be thoroughly confused and equally excited. Studying a semester in the middle/latter half of our college career at an institution that is six times larger is a harrowing experience by itself, let alone in a country where fanny packs, my favorite accessory, means vagina bag. This completely alien environment, at this point, is exactly that. Our departure, which we used to view as kids anticipating Christmas has turned into the last chapter of a favorite book, bittersweet. We know this is a beginning, but it feels like an ending.
Apparently I act like Data when I compose blog posts. The Trekkie references are only germane because of the marathon runs of Star Trek: The Next Generation that have been running continuously on "SyFy" (a stupid name change in my opinion). Focusing on the daring adventures of the starship Enterprise has been our main solace from cabin fever. Sadly, it is no replacement for Voyager.
Merrie is excited about photography. This post is an appetizer, a teaser. Hereafter, a delightful plethora of pictures from cathedrals to bathroom stalls will be shoved in your faces soon. "Methodical cataloging" might be a better description of Merrie's contributions to the blog. I bring the star power... and charm... and wit. In fact, let's have a flowchart of the attributes we each supply:
Expect great things.
I chose B at the beginning of the post and couldn't figure out for the life of me why meri was studying abroad with morgan freeman. longwood clearly has some excellent connections.
ReplyDeletealso the flowchart was amazing and my favorite is imagining you as a charismatic stick in the mud. sure you dont want to do anything, but you make not doing anything look goooood.